Sunday, September 30, 2012

Atoms and Molecules

Greetings everyone,

One of my acquaintances lost his hair due to some kind of virus. This guy is completely healthy least his hair, and since his hair loss his life became a complete challenge. Starting with his marriage, job; his being looked on with pity. (all familiar to those who are cosmetic body challenged) and everything is due to a minor problem, his hair loss.  Correct me if I'm wrong but this stumped me how such a minor thing can change a person’s life, but after musing about this while taking my weekly stroll with my wife, it struck me “THERE IS NOTHING SMALL OR MINOR IN THIS WORLD”              

Now before I explain myself a bit better let me start with a little introduction.  I was always fascinated by these words atoms and molecules and I figured maybe there is someone else out there that like me doesn't know the definition of these words, words that are the hidden core to the  basis of everything in this world. So I googled them and here are the simple explanations I found (amateur, yes I know L )

What are atoms?Atoms are the basic building blocks of matter that make up everyday objects. A desk, the air, even you are made up of atoms!
There are 90 naturally occurring kinds of atoms. Scientists in labs have been able to make about 25 more. Follow this link for             
What is a Molecule?
Molecules are small particles that make up all living and non-living things. They are made up of even tinier particles called atoms. Molecules in living things are made from only about 25 of more than 100 known atoms in the universe. Molecules are made from as few as two atoms to hundreds of millions of atoms.
 Molecules are so small that there are more molecules in your body than there are stars in the universe!
 What's so special about molecules in your body and in other living things? Each molecule has a unique shape that allows it to interact with other molecules. The interactions between molecules let us as well as bacteria, elephants, broccoli and other living things move, sense, reproduce and do the things that keep all living creatures alive.

Now after the above explanation these two words Atoms and Molecules are actually mind boggling.

Everything, Everything, let me repeat that Everything in the universe is actually a bunch of small objects that when connected and united transform into something bigger. In other words everything your eye beholds is a bunch of small dots connected together that make up the whole.

The very important message the universe is teaching us was unveiled to me, that everything is this world is made up by combining small parts and steps that eventually create the big goal that needs to be achieved. 

When aiming for something big or making any changes, the smartest and the most dependable are the steps that are bite size and small,  and for two major reasons

1-      Keeping the excitement going - Usually the vigor and excitement that you have when making a commitment will be gone after wake up from your next sleep and by having the changes and the steps bite size will help you stay committed and motivated to your objective, since the actual change you are making is not so big, it helps you feel that its achievable and not so far off.

2-      Not waging war against yourself-  Anyone who has a habit that they have been doing for quite some time knows that the habit  becomes entrenched and like part of their nature, and if the change is to big than they  are actually in war with themselves.  Your body and mind have to accept the changes that you are going to make, by having the steps bite size makes it easier for the body to adapt and to agree to the changes and slowly but surely, you will begin to move forward.

Let me sum up by finishing with the following Four step sagely advice I was once offered while on my search for my path to success.
If you want to make changes in your life, Aim High  
Draw up a plan of action  - how and what you are going to do in order to reach your goal.
Divide  the steps into bite size steps that you can easily do and accomplish.
 Divide again each step in half -now you are guaranteed you won't fall back into your bad habits.  

Don't you think it's already high time to transform our dreams and aspirations to reality? Isn't time to change those nagging bad habits that makes us cringe every time we keep on repeating them?  then let each of us say to ourselves enough is enough I'm going to make some small changes in the long link of steps and thereby change my life. 

Please share this message with your friends if you enjoyed it.
All the best  

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