Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Running the Marathon

Ah!  I'm Running the Marathon these are one of those words that are associated with the swelling of the chest in pride, knowing that you're going to try to finish the designated 26.2 miles.  Competing, accepting upon yourself a challenge and working hard beforehand to get yourself in shape are all part of the excitement.

But then I see a different kind of running marathon and very interesting sight it is. In this marathon a big percentage of the runners are actually running in the opposite direction from the finish line.

Why is it when it comes to our choices in life, it seems to me that a lot of us veer off our chosen path of life and instead start running a marathon, but not one of challenge and pride but running from one self, doubting oneself, down talking oneself, and after a while we find ourselves running the complete opposite direction than the finish line?

And what amazed me about this marathon of life the running from oneself is, that it’s defying to basic human nature. What I mean is that even though it is part of basic human nature to love oneself more than anything but as time goes on I find that our actions show, that not only are we trying to run away from ourselves but we actually act and do things that show that we actually hate ourselves and what we stand for.

I know it sounds contradictory, it sounds crazy, but look around and you will be amazed the closest human being to each of us is our own self, but when you analyze how we talk to ourselves and the thoughts what we think about ourselves you’d say that we are actually engaged in a war of hate and destruction to ourselves.

Don’t you think it’s time to change the direction of our running and instead of running from ourselves, lets run towards ourselves, accepting and loving the person we are, instead of down talking and thinking negativity with a passion let’s start running with the same passion towards believing in ourselves . 
Think about yourself like in a third person and talk and think about yourself as you would be talking to a friend. As you would be telling your friend how much you believe in them and love them. Don't you deserve the same kind of love?

Talking about marathons I found some similarities between Running marathons and Life marathons that I would like to share with you

I hope you take my words to heart as this can be the start of some great changes in your life.

All the best
p.s. if you enjoyed this post please share it with your friends and I look forward to hearing from you.

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