Monday, September 3, 2012

The More the Obvious the More the Oblivious

The more the obvious the more the Oblivious -How absurd this sounds yet we all know it’s true and sometimes we actually laugh about it. How many times has it happened that you find someone looking franticly for something they misplaced, and in the end it actually was right in front of them the whole time? Even more laughable is, when it’s their glasses they are searching for, and it is perched neatly and elegantly on top of their nose.

Haven’t you observed that you find a group of people conversing together and between them there is always that one obnoxious and rude person? Everyone there can be rolling their eyes on how this person is behaving but the obnoxious individual is oblivious to their own behavior.

Now let’s focus on more serious aspect of this statute, hasn’t it happened that you find yourself in a bind or predicament and you don’t see a way out, and a lot of times after a while you observe that the solution was pretty simple and obvious?

While musing over this phenomenon, I realized that this usually plays out to those personally involved.  The person that is searching for the lost item, the person who is acting inappropriate, the person who is searching for the solution, they are the one not seeing the obvious, they are the ones being oblivious to what’s going on around them, while those who are not personally involved can have a broader focus to realize the obvious elusive solution.
Now I don’t pride myself on being the great philosopher so I won’t be able to give you a great lecture or course on understanding the process of the mind or human behaviors, but I may comment on what I think is a bit of a solution to this blindness to the obvious.

When you feel yourself treading water and you don’t see the beach end in sight RELAX AND TRY TO TAKE A BREATH THEN LOOK AGAIN because it might be that the water is so shallow that you can actually put your feet down on the ground.

1.       Remember this law “THE MORE THE OBVIOUS THE MORE THE OBLIVIOUS this can help you relax and look on the issue with a different attitude, an attitude that’s expecting a solution versus being in a state of panic having the feeling like being beyond reasonable help.

2.       Make a pause and give another good look on your situation, try to break the challenges you’re facing in to smaller more distinctive parts. As a quick example if you’re in debt you can break it down – total amount owed – how many lenders – by interest rate- how was the debt incurred. By breaking down the problem in to smaller parts may help your mind focus and be creative, versus getting your vision blurred by focusing on big problem.

3.       Listen and Review what those around you are saying they may not understand what you’re going thru but they can definitely tell you an outside perspective how they see it, sometimes the situation looks a lot more complicated to the person involved than it actually is.

So get your binoculars out and give it a good cleaning and look out to the world with a new perspective, not just looking far in to the horizon for that big break, that big dream to come true but a look that will find beauty and joy in what's right in front of you now.

As always wishing you the best in your journey of life, and looking forward to hear your thoughts and comments.

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