Sunday, September 30, 2012

Atoms and Molecules

Greetings everyone,

One of my acquaintances lost his hair due to some kind of virus. This guy is completely healthy least his hair, and since his hair loss his life became a complete challenge. Starting with his marriage, job; his being looked on with pity. (all familiar to those who are cosmetic body challenged) and everything is due to a minor problem, his hair loss.  Correct me if I'm wrong but this stumped me how such a minor thing can change a person’s life, but after musing about this while taking my weekly stroll with my wife, it struck me “THERE IS NOTHING SMALL OR MINOR IN THIS WORLD”              

Now before I explain myself a bit better let me start with a little introduction.  I was always fascinated by these words atoms and molecules and I figured maybe there is someone else out there that like me doesn't know the definition of these words, words that are the hidden core to the  basis of everything in this world. So I googled them and here are the simple explanations I found (amateur, yes I know L )

What are atoms?Atoms are the basic building blocks of matter that make up everyday objects. A desk, the air, even you are made up of atoms!
There are 90 naturally occurring kinds of atoms. Scientists in labs have been able to make about 25 more. Follow this link for             
What is a Molecule?
Molecules are small particles that make up all living and non-living things. They are made up of even tinier particles called atoms. Molecules in living things are made from only about 25 of more than 100 known atoms in the universe. Molecules are made from as few as two atoms to hundreds of millions of atoms.
 Molecules are so small that there are more molecules in your body than there are stars in the universe!
 What's so special about molecules in your body and in other living things? Each molecule has a unique shape that allows it to interact with other molecules. The interactions between molecules let us as well as bacteria, elephants, broccoli and other living things move, sense, reproduce and do the things that keep all living creatures alive.

Now after the above explanation these two words Atoms and Molecules are actually mind boggling.

Everything, Everything, let me repeat that Everything in the universe is actually a bunch of small objects that when connected and united transform into something bigger. In other words everything your eye beholds is a bunch of small dots connected together that make up the whole.

The very important message the universe is teaching us was unveiled to me, that everything is this world is made up by combining small parts and steps that eventually create the big goal that needs to be achieved. 

When aiming for something big or making any changes, the smartest and the most dependable are the steps that are bite size and small,  and for two major reasons

1-      Keeping the excitement going - Usually the vigor and excitement that you have when making a commitment will be gone after wake up from your next sleep and by having the changes and the steps bite size will help you stay committed and motivated to your objective, since the actual change you are making is not so big, it helps you feel that its achievable and not so far off.

2-      Not waging war against yourself-  Anyone who has a habit that they have been doing for quite some time knows that the habit  becomes entrenched and like part of their nature, and if the change is to big than they  are actually in war with themselves.  Your body and mind have to accept the changes that you are going to make, by having the steps bite size makes it easier for the body to adapt and to agree to the changes and slowly but surely, you will begin to move forward.

Let me sum up by finishing with the following Four step sagely advice I was once offered while on my search for my path to success.
If you want to make changes in your life, Aim High  
Draw up a plan of action  - how and what you are going to do in order to reach your goal.
Divide  the steps into bite size steps that you can easily do and accomplish.
 Divide again each step in half -now you are guaranteed you won't fall back into your bad habits.  

Don't you think it's already high time to transform our dreams and aspirations to reality? Isn't time to change those nagging bad habits that makes us cringe every time we keep on repeating them?  then let each of us say to ourselves enough is enough I'm going to make some small changes in the long link of steps and thereby change my life. 

Please share this message with your friends if you enjoyed it.
All the best  

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Five W's Of Journalism

Greetings Everyone,

I just recently signed up for the Forbes magazine and I was pleasantly surprised that I’m actually enjoying and understanding a decent amount of the articles.

Well I read this article from Lewis D’Vorkin and he mentioned briefly about the Five W of journalism

Thinking about the five W reminded me what my friends Jim Canterucci  writes in his book Personal Brilliance chapter 8 Thinking like a child page 77 (this is my favorite chapter) 
how children are naturally curious and how they dissect everything in bits by asking all kinds of questions (you can find out more about Jim at his website )and how children naturally are like miniature reporters, constantly  using  the Five W.
And in my head I heard that click that means a new post for my blog is in the making and here it is.

 Aren't we all reporters and journalists?  Aren't we are all writing up the story of our lives? Each day that passes another page gets written and the choice is up to us, are we going to be from these lousy reporters that have a bias view on the stories they report on  and have distorted or wrong facts or we are going to ask the right questions and seek the true answers that will enrich and educate and make the story worth reading.

Look around on the  people you know that had some measure of success, and you will see usually they had a definite and precise goal they wanted to achieve and had a step by step action plan how they were going to achieve it.
Its actually a bit amusing I recently started asking people I meet if they have a dream or something they would like to achieve, the common answer is they don’t know anything specific what they would like to do to excel in their life, or the answer to my question is, they don’t know or don’t believe they can achieve what they want.

The five questions of journalism have the power to shed new light in your life and have the power to energize you and give you a reason to jump out of bed in the morning.

 Here they are as follows

Friend, writer, author, you have now the tools of your trade so go write that breaking story of your life, that will change you and maybe even change the world.

Wishing you the best and if you enjoyed the post please share it with your friends,
click here for my website

Sunday, September 9, 2012

What Should Be Property Managers Primary Focus

Greetings Everyone,

I finally got around to reading the June issue of the Real Estate Journal, since I'm always looking to learn something new that is related to the industry that I service, so I can share the information that can be of value to my clients.

And that's when this article caught my attention from Matthew Engel Vice President of the prestigious Langsam Property Management.

 Here is the brief paragraph from the article that I would like to focus on.
"Perhaps the largest portion of our business that often gets overlooked is the most obvious. Taking a proactive role in leasing will most likely have the greatest effect on the bottom line of the properties that we manage. "Duh!" you say, but most management firms often play the "let the tenants come to me" approach and in New York City, with a tight market, in some time periods, that is often enough to get by and keep your building occupied. However, over the past few years, with a weak economy, and even in the current months, with the rental market hot as a stove with fierce competition among tenants to snap up the best apartments, a proactive approach will yield a much greater bottom line".

  I'm including the link to the full article for your benefit so you can read up on the professional advice he has to offer  NYREJ - Property managers need to take a proactive role in leasing, makiwng it one of their priorities

Now let me sum up what I understood from this paragraph, that a lot of managements neglect to focus on the most pressing issue which is their pinnacle of their profit and income making sure that there no vacancies.

Now I can relate to the truth in this statement since I service the property management industry and I’m sometimes surprised at the focus managers have on the minor issue of  spending on basic maintenance supplies.  Even though I had heard from other property managers that the least of the expenses for maintaining a building is the basic monthly maintaining supplies like janitorial plumbing electric etc.

For instance one manager I know divides his supplies between multiple vendors in his urgency to find the cheapest price in town.  Another management I know order in bulk and store the stuff in a stock room not realizing again that they are focusing on the least of their budget expenses.

Even though the basic maintaining of a building is from the least of the expenses, it is of prime importance to keep the building in a clean and up kept condition. And it is in the long run an important aspect what can make the difference in your bottom line, since what tenants and future tenants are concerned about are the condition of the building and how the management address their concerns.

I would like to elaborate a bit on a different angle, how not only by focusing on supplies is the management  focusing on the least of their worries to running an efficient profitable property, but in actuality in the long run  they may not be saving as much as they  imagine.

What is definitely being overlooked is that the expertise and time of the property manager that is being wasted on the minuscule part of the business and besides as the saying goes sometimes cheap is expensive.

Here some pointers that may be helpful to you in your decision how and where to put your focus regarding your maintenance supplies.

1.       Time is money -  instead of wasting on a daily or weekly basis to monitor your supplies pricing there are some vendors out there that offer locked in pricing, meaning that you approve the pricing  once a year and they lock in those pricing for the year so you don’t have to waste time checking pricing.

2.       Time is money - having a vendor that offers next day delivery and has a 99% fill capacity on orders can mean that difference that you can renovate and do the fixing needed without delaying your workers or wasting time sending them out to pick up supplies.

3.       A vendor that can help you monitor what is being spent on each unit and has a system in place that can follow your specific ordering instructions, can mean that you can control exactly how much and who is ordering for the building without wasting time on it personally.

As I mention in the bestselling book I Co- Authored, that being able to take a feature that  a vendor is offering and adapting it to your situation, can sometimes mean a new way of saving money without sacrificing something as precious as your time that can be spent more wisely on the more important aspects of your management.

As always wishing you the best of luck

Monday, September 3, 2012

The More the Obvious the More the Oblivious

The more the obvious the more the Oblivious -How absurd this sounds yet we all know it’s true and sometimes we actually laugh about it. How many times has it happened that you find someone looking franticly for something they misplaced, and in the end it actually was right in front of them the whole time? Even more laughable is, when it’s their glasses they are searching for, and it is perched neatly and elegantly on top of their nose.

Haven’t you observed that you find a group of people conversing together and between them there is always that one obnoxious and rude person? Everyone there can be rolling their eyes on how this person is behaving but the obnoxious individual is oblivious to their own behavior.

Now let’s focus on more serious aspect of this statute, hasn’t it happened that you find yourself in a bind or predicament and you don’t see a way out, and a lot of times after a while you observe that the solution was pretty simple and obvious?

While musing over this phenomenon, I realized that this usually plays out to those personally involved.  The person that is searching for the lost item, the person who is acting inappropriate, the person who is searching for the solution, they are the one not seeing the obvious, they are the ones being oblivious to what’s going on around them, while those who are not personally involved can have a broader focus to realize the obvious elusive solution.
Now I don’t pride myself on being the great philosopher so I won’t be able to give you a great lecture or course on understanding the process of the mind or human behaviors, but I may comment on what I think is a bit of a solution to this blindness to the obvious.

When you feel yourself treading water and you don’t see the beach end in sight RELAX AND TRY TO TAKE A BREATH THEN LOOK AGAIN because it might be that the water is so shallow that you can actually put your feet down on the ground.

1.       Remember this law “THE MORE THE OBVIOUS THE MORE THE OBLIVIOUS this can help you relax and look on the issue with a different attitude, an attitude that’s expecting a solution versus being in a state of panic having the feeling like being beyond reasonable help.

2.       Make a pause and give another good look on your situation, try to break the challenges you’re facing in to smaller more distinctive parts. As a quick example if you’re in debt you can break it down – total amount owed – how many lenders – by interest rate- how was the debt incurred. By breaking down the problem in to smaller parts may help your mind focus and be creative, versus getting your vision blurred by focusing on big problem.

3.       Listen and Review what those around you are saying they may not understand what you’re going thru but they can definitely tell you an outside perspective how they see it, sometimes the situation looks a lot more complicated to the person involved than it actually is.

So get your binoculars out and give it a good cleaning and look out to the world with a new perspective, not just looking far in to the horizon for that big break, that big dream to come true but a look that will find beauty and joy in what's right in front of you now.

As always wishing you the best in your journey of life, and looking forward to hear your thoughts and comments.