Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Voting Elections What Affects Our Opinions And How Can We Change It

Greetings everyone 

This was an exciting and stressful week for some, emotions were high everyone was rooting for someone. 

It’s a bit difficult for me to me to be honest about this but even though I do follow a bit the politics of the day, I must say what I observe from the people around me that most of us don’t follow politics that much and don’t do the research in depth to know what facts are true and which facts are exaggerated.

Our leaning towards one politician or another is basically built on the surroundings that we were brought up and those who we find ourselves in constant companionship.

To a certain degree I might say, we become by whom we surround ourselves with, our friends the books we read, all those are really the ones influencing our decisions and actions.

Another interesting thing about voting that I’m observing is, the great numbers of people that don’t go out and vote, the reasons I think can be are

1.       They don’t see their value as an individuals that they will make a difference
2.       They don’t have the facts straight and the research is to extensive and complex
3.       They just don’t care since their view of life and success is limited to a very narrow minded view and they take each day as it comes not thinking or planning major changes in their life for the better.

Now the above observations are crucial to discuss, since they relate not just to voting but reiterate in our lives on a daily level.

 I will take just one of the observations for now and decipher it how it can affect our success in life.
-Our surroundings affect our outlook in life –

If you are struggling in any given area one of the first things that you should analyze is your surroundings.

Your Surroundings can be divided in two basic parts

People and Intake of Information

People - The people you surround yourself are from the major factors in your decisions and actions in life. If you are looking for to make some change, from the first things is change your surroundings.

Family Friends, observe them if they are knowingly or unknowingly resisting your change. 

Sometimes by them being exactly the opposite than what you are striving for and thereby hindering your change. 

For instance if you would like to open a business or any other venture that is not common between your family and friends, you will find the challenge a lot more daunting and terrifying. 

Since those around you Knowingly or unknowingly give off messages that you can hear or just feel that holds you back and adds the limiting belief that you won’t be able to succeed.

Now I know changing friends and family is easier said than done and in truth if you have family or true friends I wouldn't recommend  you to change them since there is nothing as beautiful as family and friends. So what is my advice to you?
    First observe and accept that their beliefs and assumptions can be holding you back and to a certain degree don’t discuss the things that are important to you that know are different than their mind view.

2.       Start spending time with other people that do share your passion for success or they have already the things you would like to acquire.

Intake of Information -  what you read, watch, and listen all these have a pro founding effect on how you think and thereby affecting your actions.

Now the solution for this one is pretty simple change the reading material that you are reading, in this time and age there is unlimited amount of reading and listening material so your input of information can be synonymous with the results you are trying to reach.

Let’s go out and vote ourselves in to success, please share this post with you family and friends by clicking on the top left hand of the page

wishing you the success you deserve and I look forward to hearing from you.
Pinny Ziegler

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