This hurricane was least expected here on the east coast
since we are not used to weather disasters. And now that this is all over the
pain is just beginning for all of those that lost loved ones and all of us that
were affected by losing their houses, income, valuables. For those still
struggling with surviving in these tough times, without electric and heat, my
heart goes out for them.
While the storm was brewing I actually saw we were dealing
with a weather disaster that is real. Being
locked in to my apartment I had the time to contemplate and muse about disaster
and survival, how history repeats itself constantly.
Just the disasters over
the last few years, to name a few the tsunamis in west coast of Sumatra,
Indonesia, and the one in japan last year and the ones right in our own back yard
hurricane Katrina and Irene that left devastation and destruction in its path.
I observed one clear message that’s important to all of us,
but my intention with my following message is to those who weren't affected to the
degree to lose sanity of mind and reach the depth of despair by not knowing how
they will continue on in life or how they will start again from scratch
building their resources and finding a dwelling place to live.
For those people my only message would be a tangible one in
the form of a helping hand by offering donations or from my time to help those
in need.
But for the rest of us, now is also a time of learning, a time when our
hearts are open and emotional to the disaster around us. Now the lessons we learn can have a great impact on us and may change us for the rest of our lives.
Experience is not what happens to a man. It is what a man does with what happens to him. ~Aldous Leonard Huxley, Texts and Pretexts, 1932
The fact of life is, that in the DNA of humanity there is
the will to live on, the will to rebuild and with this power nations have
rebuild and started to function again.
This is a very important part of the
human nature but one that resurfaces usually only under extreme circumstances.
Would it not be great if we can be advanced for once and outsmart our challenges,
so when they come upon us we can greet it with courage and confidence knowing
we will preserve. As long as we have the will to preserve nothing can stop us
from overcoming the challenges and not only overcome them but also use it to
our advantage to grow stronger and ambitious as never before
Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward said Soren Kierkegaard.
- Lets internalize the messages of the universe so we can grow stronger and not leave ourselves to be blown around by any wind that blows our way.
- Let’s put up our strong wall of defense so we can be ready when the next storm of emotion hits us and wants to destroy us or keep us back from achieving the goals we desire upon ourselves.
Whoa!!! I apologize
for that ramble but I had to get this off my chest.
Now let me sum it up in a
clear simple formula so we can all live and hopefully learn.
We all have internally built in to our human
structure the will to survive and live.
However these powers are only recognized
when faced with extreme conditions or circumstances but when facing the daily challenges
of life, most of us feel helpless and don't know how to overcome the obstacles
that stand in our way.
Believe in the power that’s hidden
within you and know and say to yourself,
I can do it
I will do it
I know I can
do it
At all cost I will do what my heart desires
I will not get intimidated
by the challenges that face me because I know the strength that I possess
hidden within me.
Let not the tremendous loss of life and money that Hurricane Sandy caused us be in vain let us take this dreadful time and change it to a time of hope a time of rebuilding our lives to a new and greater standard.
Wishing you all the best and if you feel this message was inspirational to you then please share the message with those whom you wish to inspire and let us grow together.
Pinny Ziegler
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