Sunday, July 22, 2012

Weather Rain Or Shine ?

Greetings Everyone 

Me personally I love rainy weather especially if I have a good rain coat and umbrella.  I love walking in the rain hearing the “DRIP DROP PLITITIE PLOT” on my umbrella. 

 I enjoy walking the streets and only having silence as my companion, since most people prefer to stay inside in rainy weather.  
The weather these last few days made me wonder, and what I was trying to understand was. Rain is a wonderful thing for the universe, since rain brings us fresh drinking water and helps make food grow etc., I’m sure I can go on and on. 
 But with all the good the rain brings it accompanied with the nuisance of no sun, getting all wet, (besides when it gets outs of hand that can cause flooding and death).
So why is that that such a great gift to the universe comes in such a wrapping to make people actually complain when receiving this great gift shower?

A while back listening to the Success magazine CD that comes included in each issue, I listened to Tavis Smiley being interviewed about his new book Fail Up.  He explained how the people that achieved success in life, usually their success was due to having failed beforehand, and from the failure, by chance or by learning from their mistakes reached greater success  -you can follow this link to read the article .

Now this understanding that long lasting success usually comes with overcoming challenges, taking control of yourself, staying focused, etc., this lesson is a vital one, to those who are on the beginning of the journey looking to achieve success to whatever success means to them.

I can even venture to say that this concept of failing and struggle is in the foundation of this world, a big part of happiness is because there is sadness that walks beside it, beauty is appreciated more because there is ugliness to measure up against. 

The real beauty of a sunny day is when there is a rainstorm preceding it.   So I can only say, next time it rains listen closely to the message the rain is trying to tell you.


The best of success and if you liked what you read please spread the message.

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