Friday, July 27, 2012

Loneliness+ Family+ Friends = Loneliness

Hi Everyone,

My brothers and I got together last night to talk and laugh a bit, as our families grew and so did responsibilities we don’t have the chance to meet as often as we would like. So we make sure to get together once in a while, an hour or two to keep up the relationship.( Even though blood runs deeper than water but it’s the most talked about secret that any relationship needs to be tended to and nurtured in order to reap all the benefit from it.)
But let me not get sidetracked and let’s focus on this lesson that can help you in your venture of success.

Loneliness, how I see it whenever we humans are struggling chugging along, trying to reach our dreams or goals, challenges have to be overcome, and this struggle involves you and only you alone.  Family and friends are great for the support of believing in you and offering the shoulder to cry on.  But the actual struggle, especially the actual mental part of the struggle you’re on your own.

Let me elaborate on this topic

1)       What I mean that we are alone in this journey of struggle. 
2)      Why this concept is so important to understand.

We are all unique individuals and not only do we look differently on the outside but we are differently on the inside as well.  Each of us is a unique blend of personalities and with these differences in place we all have to travel the journey that is called life.  This journey starts from the second we’re born till the day from this world we part.

Now like all traveling, having your friend travel the road, won’t bring you closer to your destination. The only thing that you benefit from the travels of your friend are his experience, you can learn from what he did right and what he did wrong and see if you can apply them to your journey and to your nature and circumstances.

Each of us has his unique dreams and aspirations that we’d like to achieve and even if we can imagine someone doing the manual and physical work for us but the mental work is still only ours and no one can feel the mental struggle that each individual goes thru they can only relate to it.

Now knowing and understanding the above can" be a very important tip for your journey to success".  

As I see it a lot of average people with dreams, feel isolated and alone when talking about their dreams with their family and peers. Since family and friends usually don’t share or even understand what’s pushing and motivating you towards your goals.  And the feeling of being alone can demotivate and discourage a person, it makes them start to doubt themselves and think maybe my family and friend's are right when they roll their eyes at me, maybe they are right and this is a foolish dream to pursue.

By understanding, that no one can understand completely your passion and dreams and what they mean to you, so this will ultimately be a journey that only you can travel. This is the normal fact of life, and their not understanding and looking at you with pity in their eyes is all the fact of your specialty and individuality and it’s up to you to work hard and not give up and develop and make blossom the passion and dreams of your heart.

So let’s all stand up and raise our chins with pride and instead of trudging along lets march along to the beat of life and say with all our might WE CAN DO IT AND WE WILL.

Good luck to your dreams and aspirations and if you enjoyed this article please do share it with your friends.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Weather Rain Or Shine ?

Greetings Everyone 

Me personally I love rainy weather especially if I have a good rain coat and umbrella.  I love walking in the rain hearing the “DRIP DROP PLITITIE PLOT” on my umbrella. 

 I enjoy walking the streets and only having silence as my companion, since most people prefer to stay inside in rainy weather.  
The weather these last few days made me wonder, and what I was trying to understand was. Rain is a wonderful thing for the universe, since rain brings us fresh drinking water and helps make food grow etc., I’m sure I can go on and on. 
 But with all the good the rain brings it accompanied with the nuisance of no sun, getting all wet, (besides when it gets outs of hand that can cause flooding and death).
So why is that that such a great gift to the universe comes in such a wrapping to make people actually complain when receiving this great gift shower?

A while back listening to the Success magazine CD that comes included in each issue, I listened to Tavis Smiley being interviewed about his new book Fail Up.  He explained how the people that achieved success in life, usually their success was due to having failed beforehand, and from the failure, by chance or by learning from their mistakes reached greater success  -you can follow this link to read the article .

Now this understanding that long lasting success usually comes with overcoming challenges, taking control of yourself, staying focused, etc., this lesson is a vital one, to those who are on the beginning of the journey looking to achieve success to whatever success means to them.

I can even venture to say that this concept of failing and struggle is in the foundation of this world, a big part of happiness is because there is sadness that walks beside it, beauty is appreciated more because there is ugliness to measure up against. 

The real beauty of a sunny day is when there is a rainstorm preceding it.   So I can only say, next time it rains listen closely to the message the rain is trying to tell you.


The best of success and if you liked what you read please spread the message.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Blue Eyes Or Grey Eyes- Part 2

Part 2

We started off this article with Charles Hannels words from his book Master Key System, about how the eyes of a person show their nature, be it a happy nature be it a sad nature etc. 
The question that I threw out to you all was, does this mean that we have no choice in our actions since we are born with the natures that we have.

Well let’s get down to business and I will try to explain my view on this subject and trust me, this question has been churning in my head since I have been a teenager.

From the moment a baby enters this beautiful and intriguing world, no one could agree more, that the child has no say on what ,where and how it came about.

For starters every person is born with his unique nature, personality and talents. I will refer to these as the Core Natures, and I may add that it’s fair to say that there is no one else in the universe that matches this exact blend of nature and talent. So right from the start a child has no choice in the matter what kind of nature and personality they will get.

Now there are added factors that influence a child in their journey to adult hood, and this is, what the child picks up from his parents and the people he is associated with, these I will refer to as Adoptive natures
How the parents and teachers, friends etc. act will have a dramatic part in the child’s view of the world and they integrate and become part of his personality and nature that they become almost as strong as the core natures.

To sum up, until this part of the journey of life, we can basically say that we are born with no choice in the natures or habits we acquire.

Just to clarify  my goal in this post is not to clarify our power of choice in choosing right or wrong, but more about our choice of nature being happy or being sad, being fearful or being courageous, being negative or being positive etc. that effect the outcome if we will achieve our goals and aspirations or we wont reach them. 

Core natures = the nature that you are born with, are your core natures, they are your strong points they are the true you, as I heard from one of my favorite coaches Chuck Bauer that even though a person is usually a blend of natures and personalities, from those he is born with, to those what got added as part of his society but under stress a person will always fall back to their dominating nature that is their core nature.  Your core nature and you are one, that’s your basic individuality that’s your real uniqueness.

 Once you recognize what they are, you can learn to use them to your advantage and achieve with them and not run away from them or try to change them. 
The other adopted natures have to be worked on and examined if they are compatible with your core nature and if needed adjust them to assist your core personality.

You have to nurture your natures and understand them and accept them and then, only then, can you attempt to take your aspirations and dreams and achieve them.

A lot of people are out in attack against themselves by criticizing themselves on their actions or behaviors, and this leads us to an important concept about nature tendencies. Natures are not bad or good, its how they are used that makes them look bad or look good. Each nature has good parts and vice versa, the work of a person is to tame and channel his personality so they shine and gleam like a diamond with all its curves and cuts and brilliants.

Once you understand these points I have mentioned you will come to feel and understand that the choice is up to you, how and what you are going to do to reach your goals.

I hope I clarified this subject a bit as I know how complex it can be, and there is a lot more to elaborate and expand, but as the saying goes Rome wasn't built in one day.

Good luck to all of you to finding and accepting your true self 

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Blue Eyes Or Grey Eyes Part 1

Greetings Everyone, 

A paragraph in Charles Haanel’s book Master Key system chapter 27 caught my attention and I quote “blue eyes indicate a light, happy cheerful, active disposition. Grey eyes indicate a cool calculating, determined disposition. Black eyes indicate a quick, nervous, venturesome disposition. Brown eyes indicate sincerity, energy, and affection “

I’m a fast reader I don’t enjoy hovering over every word in a book, I usually skim thru the book to have an idea what point the author is trying to bring across.
Even novels, I enjoy having the thrill of the whole story rather than hover over each particular elaboration and descriptive point of the story that the author is trying to paint. 
When speaking about self-help books or business books if it catches my interest I usually go over the book a second time and knowing what to expect gives me the opportunity to delve in to the parts that interest me the most.

But this paragraph made my forehead crease in concentration is this so? are we all an open book and are our natures and destiny carved in stone?

But as I am well in to the journey of life, experience and reading has shown me that it’s up to us all, how to channel our emotions and natures. True that a lot of our circumstances in life we do not choose, since we have no choice to what parents we are born to, and to what society and upbringings we are exposed to, but here is the BIG BUT.
Let me pause for a second to expand my thoughts, I feel this is a discussion worth pursuing, since I have been struggling with this basic question a long time. Do I have a choice in the actions and direction I have been taking and can I change the direction I have been going. Even though I always believed and felt it in my inner self that I can change if I want to, but in actuality I didn’t see or feel it that way.

I think the thing that kept prompting me on even when facing constant failure was due in part of me being a dreamer, as long as I can remember since I have been a small child I have always dreamed of some goal or something great I wanted to achieve. The wanting for something better and bigger did not let me give in to failure and defeat.

I will leave this question open for you now what are your thoughts on this subject of will and choice, till my next blog that I will continue Part 2 of  what my view is, how and what, do we contribute to our success and is it up to us or not, because I believe that a great percentage of us struggle to some extent with this question.

So long till my continuation to Part 2.
Wishing you all the success.
Feel free to leave any comments and if you enjoyed it, then please do share it with your friends.


Friday, July 6, 2012

Free But From Whom and The Danger of Freedom

Free But From Whom ?

We are all celebrating this special day of July 4, which we won our independence and freedom.

 Special days like birthdays and anniversaries,don't need a lot of thinking to appreciate what is special about them since they are part of our daily lives, but special days and holidays that we celebrate to something that happened a long time ago, then the holiday can only have a real meaning and appreciation if you give thought to what the day represents.

It pays to give a few minutes of thought on the meaning of the day or find some concept or lesson that can be applied to our daily lives.

I would like to expand on the concept of freedom on a different angle and that is, the Danger of Freedom

Yes the Danger of Freedom, as time goes by from when freedom has been won, and from what we had been freed from becomes more like a distant fuzz to a lot of us, and an uninterested fact to most of us. 
Since most people live in their own bubble trying to survive and cover their bills and expenses and leave some time to enjoy life to as well. That leaves the word freedom to each and everyone’s imagination and the line is a fine one.

Let me explain, everyone has a different interpretation of the word Freedom.

 A child for example, when hearing the word freedom will visualize it meaning freedom from all the rules his parent or teacher has required. 

 Teens will visualize freedom as acting and behaving as they feel not a care in the world.

A criminal in jail will visualize freedom as an actual definition, freedom of jail time, free of laws, free to steal and do as they please etc.

Now we all understand, that these interpretations of the word freedom are true but dangerous, 

since a child to grow to respectable and caring adult has to be brought up with certain rules to teach him discipline and good behaviors.

 A country that is run without laws and punishments after a short time will look like a war zone

In this time and age when a person accepts upon themselves to fight for a cause of freedom, 

a lot of thought has to be put in to determine if this is really about bringing freedom that will lead to success and to better humanity, 

or is it more like a child that wants their way, to satisfy their cravings but in the end will bring about ruin and destruction.

Breath in breath out, fill your lungs with fresh air that's free to all equally.

 I would like to share with you all as well, a beautiful Blog post from Barrie Davenport  from Live Bold and Bloom about Freedom and Independence Day. 

“When freedom is hindered, our natural instinct is to reclaim it. Without freedom we become angry, bitter, and depressed.
But here’s a strange irony.

Many of us who enjoy the larger freedoms in life have unwittingly enslaved ourselves in other ways. We’ve allowed ourselves to accept insidious forms of restraint and self-entrapment that create the same internal angst that arises with any loss of freedom.

Often we aren’t even aware of how we are giving up our freedom and thus causing ourselves unnecessary pain. Take a look at these 25 personal freedoms to see where you might be restraining yourself from living authentically.

Follow the link to read up on her complete post, I’m sure you are going to enjoy her stuff as much as I do.

Looking forward to hearing from you 
All the best 