Sunday, February 19, 2012

I Love You

Hi Everyone,

I know I'm a few days to late to write about this subject and a bit off topic for this blog, but this is a most favorite topic near to almost every ones heart, I figured to myself let me get my thoughts on paper even just for myself.

After seeing this clip on you tube  it made me think.

 To say I love you is truly an impressive and important rule in the love road especially those who are committed to their loved ones with an eternal bond and the cycle of our lives keep on turning, a good day, a bad day, a easy day, a hard day, and being in a relationship that continues, the expression of love has to be offered, it's always from the most beautiful things to hear when someone tells you how much you mean to them.

But here is where I'm leading to, saying I love you is from the easy steps, the hard one is, actually living love. Let me explain with a little story I heard about a elderly sage that was passing a restaurant and hears a young man say to the waitress, please I would like to have the grilled fish with potato's on the side, and the young man exclaims with some excitement I love grilled fish. So the sage stopped and thought to himself, what a true exclamation for love, and he was sure that when the fish will be brought out the young man will definitely bend down and kiss the fish.

 He was in for a surprise when the fish was brought out, the young man without farther ado started eating the fish. The sage then realized that the young man didn't love the fish he actually loved himself. Point made when saying I love you, do you really mean it, or do you really mean I love myself. Love for other than self is not just an expression said when it can serve your benefit, LOVE is the deep expression and meaning that you mean so much to me that I'm willing to suffer on your part what ever it takes, sometimes it means getting along with your loved one even if their nature is different than yours, or working hard to tend to your loved ones needs etc. I'll let your imagination run wild for now.

I love you
All the best for now

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