Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Fall and the Solution for the Average Falling Person Part 2

 Greetings Everyone 

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In last week’s post we discussed the struggle of the average person. To sum it up the average person is divided in two parts the mediocre and the out of focus.  You can read up on the first part of the post by following this link Fall and the falling of the average person.

Let’s get down to what seems to me as the solution
The solution for the struggle of the average person is as follows,

THE MEDIOCRE= is the person who has no belief that he has the right to think big, he has no belief that he can achieve the things he desires.

"Carve the following words in stone"

A man can be as great as he wants to be. If you have believe in yourself and have the courage the determination the competitive drive and if you are willing to sacrifice little things in life and pay for the thing that are worthwhile it can be done- Vince Lombardi 

The first step is, to observe and acknowledge if you are limiting your capability to think and dream big. 

Once you have established that you have limiting beliefs, then the next step would be to go ahead and give yourself the right to dream big.

Even if in your view you believe you aren't able to achieve the dreams or aspirations that you think about, for whatever reason your mind and frightful imagination is concocting.

But not to dream big and let your imagination grow would be like telling yourself when going to sleep at night I’m not allowed to dream any great dreams because I can’t achieve them.

“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere”.

The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.” Albert Einstein

Allow yourself to dream by day and let your imagination soar.

There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it, Alfred Hitchcock, if you think in to what makes life exciting, a big part of it is the anticipation of what’s coming. Don’t take away a big part of the excitement of your life by limiting and eliminating your dreaming big. 

THE OUT OF FOCUS= is the person that has goals and aspirations but they always seem to be out of his grasp.

This stumbling block can be due to a lot of reasons but a lot of them boil down to the lack of focus and thinking.

Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr. Albert Schweitzer was asked what’s wrong with men today, He answered men simply don’t think.
 A person will look all over for solutions but forget to look in his own back yard, so to speak.  When I say we don’t think I don’t mean we do no thinking at all. Yes we actually don’t stop thinking, we think while we walk, while we talk, while we eat, I don’t think there is ever a time that our mind is not racing.

Sometimes I think to myself after driving two hours in my van and having silence join me as my companion, Pinny what were you thinking the last 120 minutes? I usually come up with some lame thought, nothing that would account for the valuable time spent.

 We are not thinking constructively with a positive attitude to finding a solution. We are not thinking in a systematic constructive way, going over all the details and options. Taking ideas and chewing them over and considering how best to implement them.

As Wallace Wattles writes in his book The Science of Getting Rich, there is no labor from which people shrink as they do from that of sustained and consecutive thought; it is the hardest work in the world.

The first step is;

Get used to the idea that you make a special time to focus on yourself and on what you're spending your time on. Think to yourself is there anything I can do better and how can I do better.

Make time to sit down and think positively and constructively about you goals, write them down and think what would be the steps needed to reach them.

Instead of jumping in and taking every challenge as it comes along try to anticipate them and think of ways of avoiding them.

By planning ahead you will not only plan your future, but you may be able to for see the road blocks and challenges up ahead and can invest time and effort to search for answers and solutions for the challenge before it reaches you.

I would like to share a thinking and planning technique called Mind Mapping, created by Tony Buzan. I recently starting using mind mapping in all my projects and I love it.

 Here is a short clip how I explain, how the basic use of mind mapping can help you focus on your goals.

I hope you  enjoyed this post and can use it towards your success and please share it with your friends.

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