Friday, November 29, 2013

Is The Devil And The Paradigm One?

Greetings Friends,

I was schmoozing with my friend Perry about the power of the self-image and the subconscious mind.

Science and Psychology narrowed down the primary cause to a person’s failure or success is due to their self-image.

It’s basically we are controlled by our habits and our self -image dictates our actions. And so the simple answer to the question how can I change my life around and achieve more success?  How come even though I know what I’m supposed to be doing but I still don’t do it?

The solution, change your paradigms and change your self-image of how you view yourself and then your actions will change.  To learn more about this check out this you tube clip of bob proctor explaining this in great detail

 Perry challenged me to a great question are you forgetting about the evil inclination and the devil, are you taking all the blame off the devil and cronies and saying it’s basically our self- image is the one controlling us?

Great question well in truth, it’s worth taking the time to think about it and elaborating on it as well.   

Here is my view and understanding on this subject.

We humans being are the highest intelligence on this universe. We were placed here for a higher purpose to do forms of good on this world. We were gifted with special mind faculties higher than all forms of life in order to reach this objective.

These great tools includes 
  1.   Imagination
  2. Intuition 
  3.  Memory
  4. Perception 
  5.  Reason 
  6. Will
(This is not the place
 to elaborate on these special gifts)
The evil inclination objective is to get the person to self-destruct and not live a purpose full life of goodness and kindness and there is two ways how to get the job done.

The evil inclination does not approach a person in its real scary form, it usually comes disguised  in other people or objects so it wouldn’t be recognized.

There are two distractions facing a human, One an external one and the second an internal one.

The external one is something out side of the person trying to influence them to a certain direction. 

This can be in the form of other people trying to get the person to do bad things hence gangs, bad friends, etc;

But there is a second tool in the evil inclination tool box, and this a hidden one, it’s hidden in the human themselves it’s called the paradigm.

A paradigm is basically a multiple of habits or ideas that were implanted in your subconscious mind and thereby controls your actions.

The most vulnerable time for a human to implant these habits are when we are young as children. The reason is, since the  filtering device that scans and protects what is planted in the subconscious mind is the conscious mind.
 When we are young as children, our conscious mind is not yet developed completely so the subconscious part of the mind is exposed and vulnerable.
That is why at a young age our subconscious is programed with all kind of behaviors that are not necessarily in tune to our true nature. In addition any of the bad habits those around us posses becomes part of their habits as well.

This is all part of a great plan for each and every one of us. This world does not really reward satisfaction to those who didn’t earn it, only those who put in the effort, overcame obstacles to achieve whatever their heart desires those find and appreciate the real satisfactions of life.    

By having our paradigms affected without us being able to interfere, causes us the need to overcome all these previous installed paradigms and start new beautiful healthy ideas and habits. Then when we achieve those goals and achievements only then have we really achieved our potential and purpose.

Let’s bring this all together, paradigms are another form of the devil, but one difference this devil can be overturned and changed into an angel.

From being programed with a virus paradigms so to speak, we can  reprogram and clean out the virus and pronto we have a program that can accomplish anything.

I hope this gave you a different perspective on this subject, now go ahead and create that beautiful self image that will influence your action and behaviors, so you can reach the goals and dreams you always wished for.

Wishing you success
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