Sunday, August 26, 2012

Words Of The Success Dictionary

Greetings Everyone,

  •       A- assiduousness
  • B- bravery
  • C- commitment     
  • D- determination 
  • E- endurance,
  • F- fortitude,focus
  • G- grit
  • H- humor
  • I- insistence
  • J- 
  • K- knowledgeable
  • L-
  • M- motivated
  • N- 
  • O- obstinacy
  • P- perseverance- persistence
  • Q- 
  • R- resolution- restraint
  • Self-discipline- strength of mind- stubbornness
  • T- tenacity
  • U- unwavering
  • V- 
  • W- willpower
  • X-
  • Y- yes I can 
  • Z-zest
(Feel free to fill in the letters I left out :-)

Do these words look familiar I’m sure they do, since you entered preschool and as you continue on in life these words ring constantly in your ears, being offered to you as advice, as rebuke, as well-meaning mentoring etc, and its true, all the above words are the the basics needed for anyone looking to succeed at something out of their comfort zone.

Anything you would like to accomplish in life these attributions will need to accompany you. These traits need to be with you when you go to sleep and when you get up, because the journey will be ruff without them. Imagine yourself driving thru mounds of snow with just a two wheel drive, walking in the cold without a coat. These character traits will give you the strength and the power to achieve almost anything you are out to achieve.  

Now here is where we come to the million dollar question?
How do we get these traits to be part of us? How do we get these character traits to be part of our DNA?
The answer is simple DESIRE-  desiring something very much will broaden your success dictionary and will help you find within yourself all the attributions needed to succeed.

The bigger the desire and the clearer your desire is to you, will bring forth from you strength and creativity that you yourself will be amazed. So instead of focusing only on learning techniques to help you achieve results, don't forget the backbone and seed of success that is "DESIRE" make sure your desires are crystal clear to you, and you truly desire them,take time to live now in your desires, let your mind wander in the land of your desires and then you will find yourself moving forward, sometimes slower than you would like sometimes faster than you would like, but always forward. 

Wishing you all an easy and successful journey.

If you enjoyed this post please keep the message moving and share it with a friend 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Blue Eyes

Greetings Everyone, 

I was out walking Monday evening August 6, 2012 it was after a solid day of raining, the rain had stopped and I looked up to the sky and it was a beautiful deep blue and  little streaks of clouds were like a pinkish color. I looked up and it felt like I can look deep deep in to the depth of the sky. 

The feeling came over me one of astonishment and wonderment and from my mouth came out one word Pronounced with awe WOW!

And as I was gazing at this beautiful sight, I felt so small compared to this endlessness and beauty of the sky. I now understood the why people always rant about blue eyes, sky blue reveals a depth in a person’s eyes ,it makes you feel like you are getting lost in those blue eyes. The same is with the blue sea it’s a sign of endlessness of infinity and power, I can gaze at the sea for hours (or at least I think so :-).

So looking in to the sky and feeling the greatness of the universe a question popped in to my head. Where do I fit in to this picture of beauty, and compared to this infinite power and beauty what is my purpose, what am I contributing to this beauty?

As I was turning this question in my mind I said to myself, true there is great power and beauty in the universe but in all truthfulness we humans are the sole purpose of this world. Who else has was given the power to rule over the species of the world and who was given the wisdom to channel the forces and energies of nature of this world for the use and benefit of mankind.  It is us human beings, men and women and children, old and young, we are the cause off all this beauty.

Now this thought was really an exciting one, that all this beauty was created for me, How Special Must I Be. Each and every one of us is unique and special in their way, each of us came here to add a special beauty to this world. Some of us add beauty on a big scale it reaches a lot of people, some add beauty to their family and friends that are around them and some just add this special touch of beauty by being part of society. 

So the next time you’re feeling down, feeling Unsuccessful, feeling Unloved, feeling Untalented, or any of the feelings of Un  lift your eyes to the sky and see the wondrous beauty of the sky and the whole universe and listen to the message that the sky is trying to send you, ALL THIS BEAUTY WAS CREATED FOR YOU  BECAUSE YOU ARE SPECIAL!!!

 If you enjoyed this message that the sky is sending to you, please spread the word and help others see the depth and the beauty of the Blue Sky 
As always looking to forward to hearing your comments

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

3 Rules How To Navigate In The Maze of Life

Hi everyone,

 I was speaking recently with my friend that was going through a difficult business challenge, like we all know there's almost no road to success that challenges don't have to be overcome. But as Earl Nightingale says in his program lead the field that most people when in looking for advice will turn to family and friends for advice, instead of turning in the right direction for guidance.  
So let me narrow it down to what in my view is simple but hard advice that can really help you in time of challenge. My referring to these rules as simple but hard will be understood as well when I finish listing the rules. 
  •  Think=  Sit down in a quiet place and concentrate and focus what you think can be a solution for your challenge (Simple? yes it’s very common that a solution is within your grasp and knowledge. Hard? yes a lot of people find it extremely difficult to sit down only with themselves and think constructively, as Wallace Wattles writes in his book “ There is no labor from which most people shrink as they do from that of sustained and consecutive thought, it is the hardest work in the world”.
  • Ask = Ask a person who has some experience in the challenge that you face or to someone that’s well connected, it can be someone with a successful business, a pastor or rabbi, someone who people share their life journey with, so they may have been exposed to the same issue you now face. (Simple? Yes you can find these people all over, Hard? Yes it’s easier to share your dilemma with friends or family then to share with someone that you are not so close to, even though the extent knowledge your friends have about your predicament equals your own.)  
  •  Read= There is a world of knowledge out there I sometimes stop with my mouth agape and am astonished at the extent of knowledge and advice people have worked their whole life to research that they offer to us. Go to the library search on line on the specific topic and you may find some gems that will be an eye opener for you. (Simple? Yes what can be easier than having someone else do the years of research and give it to you for a minimum or no charge at all, Hard? Yes isn't it easier to read some novel that’s lying around or some YouTube clips, yep we've all been there.)

The main thing to remember is not to get paralyzed in fear. Understand this, almost any challenge that we face today has been faced already and has been overcome by someone. 
Understand that your challenge you are facing is not unique, it can be overcome and has been overcome. 
The only difference between your challenge and the ones similar to yours out there is only, that it’s your first time to face it, it’s you in form and body and mind that has to face it. By understanding that you’re not on your own, you have the whole universe and its knowledge to help you, its just up to you to read and navigate with the maps that others have charted for you.

There is light at the end of the tunnel good luck !!!!!

p.s. to buy my new  best selling book go to

Thursday, August 2, 2012

It’s the big day! In It To Win It; The World’s Leading Experts Reveal Their Top Strategies For Winning in Business and Life is FINALLY Here! Get your bonuses TODAY!

Dear Friends,

Today is the big day!  Just for buying my new book today, that is full of top success strategies in Business and Life, I’ll give you literally HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS worth of bonuses! 

Just for purchasing the book today, and helping us get off to a great start, I’ve put together a huge bonus package for you!

Here is a link to buy the book for $19.95:

And you’ll get thousands of dollars of bonuses, just for spending twenty bucks!  BUT REMEMBER YOU MUST BUY THE BOOK AT AMAZON.COM TODAY!

Just buy the book now, then just send your receipt to and you’ll get all the bonuses! 

Just for purchasing the book today, and helping us get off to a great start, I’ve put together all of these great bonuses for you!

Here is a link to buy the book for $19.95:

And you’ll get all that great stuff  JUST for buying the book today!  BUT REMEMBER YOU MUST BUY THE BOOK AT AMAZON.COM TODAY!

Then just send your receipt to and they’ll send you access to all the bonuses!

Thanks for your support!  Enjoy the book!


Pinny Ziegler

P.S. - Here is a link to buy the book for $19.95:

And you’ll get all the great stuff I mentioned above, JUST for buying the book today!  BUT REMEMBER YOU MUST BUY THE BOOK AT AMAZON.COM TODAY! Here’s the link one last time:

Pinny Ziegler    

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

My New Book Comes Out Tomorrow! And so do your bonuses!

Dear Friend,
As I announced earlier this week, over the last 8 months I have been working on a book with some of the top entrepreneurs all around the world.  In the process of writing this book, we all agreed to reveal our top success strategies for Business and Life.  It was tough to get some to agree, but the only way we were going to do this, was if everyone was held to the same code, share the best strategies you’ve got.

The great news is that we got everyone to agree, and the book that we all wrote together, “In It To Win It; The World’s Leading Experts Reveal Their Top Strategies For Winning in Business and Life” is coming out TOMORROW!


Just for purchasing the book tomorrow on, and helping us get off to a great start, I’ve put together a huge bonus package for you!
I will send you a link to buy the book tomorrow on Amazon, but here’s a sneak peak at all the great stuff you’ll get JUST for spending $19.95!  Click here to check out the bonuses!
Just for purchasing the book tomorrow on Amazon, and helping us get off to a great start, you'll get all of these great bonuses!
I will send you a link to buy the book tomorrow for just $19.95, and once you buy it, just email your receipt to and they'll send the bonuses right over to you!
Until Tomorrow!

Pinny Ziegler