Friday, November 11, 2011

Building Lumber Section/ Joint Compound

Greetings Everyone

This post is one that really belongs to last month post only well (ahem cough you know) to make the story short I’m human too and procrastination is part of my DNA so here it is finally.

Joint compound is a most common item in construction, I figured I will just give you some links to websites that have some helpful Tips that you can use.  
The following is the most basic definition for Joint compound.   Sheetrock All-Purpose Joint Compounds are used for embedding paper joint tape, finishing gypsum panel joints, and hand applying simple texturing. They are also ideal for skim coating gypsum panel surfaces and laminating and repairing cracks in interior plaster and masonry that is not subject to moisture.

There are many different brands of joint compound but there are really only 3 types.
1.  All purpose: Used for taping and texture. Can be used for coating, but shrinks more and sands harder.
2.  Topping: Used for 1st and 2nd coats.  It Shrinks less and sands much easier than all purpose.
3.  Quick set or accelerated (Hot Mud): This comes in bags. It's powder that you mix with water, it Ranges in drying time from 5 minutes to 210 minutes. Be careful, once it starts setting up, there's no stopping it, and it is very hard to sand.

This link has some good charts before you start the construction job to figure out how many supplies you will need.
This link has a lot of great information and step by step instructions

This is the link to our website Building Lumber Section Set up your Account for Next Day delivery in the Five Boroughs Free shipping for $85 orders.

All the best for now and like always, feel free to contact me with any questions,comments or with anything that’s on your mind.
Pinny Ziegler